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February 13th 2020

SAPH Bongo 4 Primary Public School winner of the eco-citizenship prize

The eco-citizenship program launched by SAPH in association with the NGO Ivoire Développement Durable in 2017 in the 8 schools of Bongo and Toupah sites ended on February 13th 2020 by the official handing out of prizes to the best eco-citizen schools competition.

The reward was given to the Public Primary School Bongo 4, closely followed by the schools of Toupah V3 and Bongo 3. This position was awarded according to several criteria: layout of green spaces, hygiene, and student-teacher involvement in the project. The three top schools will benefit of environmental projects: waste treatment with the recreational trash can “écolo elephant”, the creation of an organic vegetable garden and a green mobile library.

This was also the opportunity to congratulate young Traoré Yaya Lamine of the Academic Group of Bongo 1 for his involvement in the project, which brought him to be acknowledged eco-citizen ambassador of SIFCA Group.

The ceremony took place in presence of the sub-prefect of Bongo, of the Communication and Sustainable Development Director, the President of Ivoire DD NGO, of the “Directrice de la Vie Scolaire” (who was also a member of the jury), of the IFU Managers of Toupah and Bongo. It ended by a visit of the winning school.

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