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The priorities of these investments are categorized in five independent areas:

Financial empowerment is continuously lead by the company in surrounding communities by education reinforcing programs that support their economic autonomy.

Entrepreneurship theory training
Breeding training
Fish farming training
Chicken breeder at SAPH Toupah









An important part of the CSR budget is appointed to education, as SIPH believes that the ability for a community to access autonomy highly depends on its level of education. Social investment in the Education area is also a part of the CSR strategy of the company, who promotes positive impact sustainable activities.

School Canteen in Bongo
Primary School in Yacoli
Yves Lamblin Modern School of Bongo
School Kits hand out in Rapides-Grah
GREL School bus
Niamiambo kindergarten in Toupah

SIPH’s consideration of its employees, their families, and surrounding communities’ health is shown by the implementing of several services, including caring and health exams, health advice (medical prevention) and operational sites surrounding health center hygiene and improvement.

Koutoukro 2 Health Center
Singrobo Health Center
Alosso Maternity Ward
Naboville Maternity Ward and Vaccination Courtyard









SIPH has been leading CSR activities in the infrastructure field. This fields in important for the continuity of the community’s social-economic activities as well as the company’s operational activities.

Bore Hole in Police Barrack RENL
Ikoka Town Hall RENL
Toilet GREL
National Gendarmerie Building in Bongo GREL Maternity Ward
Water Tower Petit Badien Toupah
Ilusin Market RENL

Through the “Zero Deforestation” program and the CLIP, SIPH, in collaboration with consultation firms has facilitated the training and organization capacity reinforcement program. This program has been in place since 2016.

Biodiversity committees are in place in all sites to reinforce routine roles and activities based on community participation.

Eco-citizenship project
Ecolo the Elephant
Tree planting
Tree planting