Environmentally friendly practices

SIPH constantly maintains its efforts in environmental and natural resources preservation. Early 2016, the Company set itself a certain number of goals and rules relative to activities to preserve the environment and natural resources in accordance with the standards of good practice in plantation management. This commitment is enshrined in the updated sustainability policy, formalized by management in November 2017, which must be respected by its employees as well as by other relevant stakeholders working for the company.
Sustainable development team

The Sustainable Development Manager of SIPH is responsible for coordinating sustainability activities and relies on subsidiary SD managers and management in general, which carries and sets out the commitments made. The purpous is to create synergies capable of understanding and implementing broad principles of sustainability, such as social, economic, environmental… which encompass all aspects of the company's activities. The development of the team, as well as the awareness of all stakeholders in the company, continues to be carried out, in quality and quantity, in a planned manner through the individual development plan and planning. The sustainability team is continuously improving all aspects to ensure the sustainability of the business.