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February 10th, 2022

2021 Achievement by GREL Factories amid Covid-19 Scourge

GREL Factories (APM and TBU) exceeded their targets in 2021 despite the difficult context of COVID-19. Below is the success story cum performance of the two factories, Apm and Tbu, under the leadership of Mr. Elliott LEDRU and Mr. Boris Herve ATTE.

• Total production of 74,356T compared to total production forecast in 2021 of 64,275T, which represents 16% increase (10081 T).

• The Factories recorded reduction in the number of claims received, combined with an increase in good grade production of 92% and notable grade with only 5.1% declassified.

• It is worth mentioning that the implementation of the Daily Performance Management (MDP) at both APM and TBU factories represents the benchmark for all SIPH subsidiaries currently.

• It is important to indicate that there was a tremendous reduction in the number of accidents with lost time. Factory Management takes this opportunity to encourage all factory staff to keep up the good work and work towards achieving the 2022 targets in terms of quantity and quality.

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