On February 22nd and 23rd 2021
Child labor training
As part of the CPD activities, offices have officially been set up in each community to fight against child labor. Members of these offices are from the community. Following this installation, trainings have been organized on February 22nd and 23rd for the 3 CPDs surrounding the Integrated Farm Unit of Bongo: Bongo, Allosso2-Koutoukro and Singrabo.
These trainings regard 5 people per village, or a total of 20 people, all from the communities. Dr Nguessan Joseph, the trainer is labor practitioner and president of the NGO “Fraternité Sans Limites”. These trainings are generally aimed at reinforcing the cognitive and volume intelligence of partners of SAPH (organized in committees) towards fight against child labor and health and safety for child labor.
More specifically:
- To give physiological and social basis of children’s vulnerability to professional risks
- To note appropriate measures of health and safety at work links to dangerous tasks forbidden to children under 18 and light tasks authorized to children between 13 and 16 years old
- To give committees guiding lines for maintenances able to ease their proximity social groups sensitizing activities