February 12th 2021
Inauguration of 3 water pump construction work
On Friday February 12th 2021, the handing over of pumps built for the village of Allosso 2 took place. Until then, the village was supplied in water by SAPH, who used to send two water tanks each week, as the five village water pumps were down. The request to fix these pumps was made by the population of Allosso 2 as part of the CPD. The reparations on 3 out of 5 of these pumps was made possible thanks to the combined efforts of three entities:
- ONEP (for the State of Côte d’Ivoire through its village water program)
- The community
- SAPH, subsidiary of SIFCA Group that has built the fence and grips wort CFA 2.7 million, will allow over 600 households to have access to drinking water.