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November 7th, 2022
RENL MD visits OKAEVBO of URHONIGBE, felicitates with him on his successful installation and pray for long and peaceful reign.

The Managing Director of Rubber Estates Nigeria Limited alongside his management team on Monday 7th November, 2022 paid a courtesy visit to the palace of the Okaevbo of Urhonigbe, HRH Osatohamwen Mathew Okunbor.

November 2nd, 2022
RENL management visits host communities, asks for sustenance of peaceful coexistence.

The tour of the MD to all sites, twice a year, is also an opportunity to visit the host communities to RENL. In November 2022, like on the previous visits, the MD and his entourage paid a courtesy visit to the traditional rulers in all locations of RENL.

October 2nd, 2022
RENL CSR gets commendation as management hands over 2 townhalls to Aifesoba and Ikpoba communities.

On Friday 2 nd September, 2022, the Management of Rubber Estates Nigeria Limited handed over two modern Town halls to host communities to the Odionwere and people of Aifesoba and Ikpoba Communities ...

July 22nd, 2022
A New Record hit at the Pre-treatment line and Process line at APM

The APM Factory is pleased to bring to your notice that its Pre-treatment Line and process line has again attained a magnificent achievement. The Pretreatment line obtained a new Line record of ...

June 28th, 2022
RENL conducts scholarship qualyfying examination for staff wards.

Over the years, Rubber Estates Nigeria Limited have continued to invest in the academic development of indigent students in its host communities of operation through the award of scholarship to undergraduate students in tertiary institutions of learning across the country.

June 23rd, 2022
Best students of the IFU of TOUPAH-OUSROU award ceremony

The traditional award ceremony to reward the best students of the IFU of TOUPAH-OUSROU took place on Thursday, June 23rd, 2022 at the primary school of village 2 in presence of the Integrated Farm Unit Director, teachers, management staff and supervisors and student’s parents.

From June 13th to 17th, 2022
LOETH Project – African Development Bank visit

SIPH has been financially supported by the (African Development Bank) AfDB as part of its development plan in the West African sub-region. Following the agreement signed on January 15th, 2022 ...

On 24 and 25 May 2022
SIPH Present at the World Rubber Summit in Singapore

A delegation from SIPH, a subsidiary of SIFCA Group, traveled to Singapore on 24 and 25 May 2022 to participate in the World Rubber Summit, the theme of which was: "A resilient, digitized and sustainable rubber economy: redefining value chains".

May 18th, 2022
RENL bags 2021 ITF Best human resource development organization award

Management of Rubber Estates Nigeria Limited, on Wednesday 18th May 2022 received an award of honor as the Best Human Resource Development Organization for the year 2021 from the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Benin Area office.

April 14th, 2022
APM Factory sets a new monthly production record in March 2022

Once again, the GREL APM Factory has set a new monthly production record. It is worth noting that the APM factory has produced 4715T of processed rubber with 94% premium quality grades without any accident for the month of March 2022.
